About the Airport

Bacacheri airport is strategically located, just 7 kilometers from downtown Curitiba, allowing agility and ease, especially for executive aviation, in accessing the city and the countryside of the state.

Microregion: Curitiba
Number of cities 19 | Population 3.4MM | GDP R$ 174,3BI and part. 37,4% in the UF (Federative unit)
Source: IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) - current value for 2019


  • ADDRESS:  Rua Cícero Jaime Bley, s/nº - Bairro Bacacheri - CEP: 82.515-230 - Curitiba - PR
  • AIRPORT SITE: 1.602.910 m² (568.076m² of civil area)
  • AIRCRAFT YARD - MAIN YARD 1: 13.093m²  (general aviation)
  • AIRCRAFT YARD - MAIN YARD 2: 7.260m² (military use)
  • AIRCRAFT PARKING: up to 18 general aviation positions, depending on the size of the aircraft
  • TERMINAL DE PASSAGEIROS: 552m² - TAG (General Aviation Terminal)
  • RUNWAY DIMENSIONS: 1.390m x 30m
  • TAXIWAY: 4 taxiways
  • VEHICLE PARKING: 140 vagas na região de hangares, 36 vagas no TAG e 24 vagas da administração.


Close to downtown Curitiba, Bacacheri Airport has a privileged location and easy travel to the countryside of the state of Paraná, being a favorable environment for landing and taking off with agility.

The 1930s
1930 - In the early 1930s, military aviation found the Bacacheri neighborhood an excellent place to develop its activities. Two years later, Correio Aéreo Nacional (CAN) started to use its facilities. In 1932, the premises of Colégio Agrícola Estadual – with a landing and take-off runway – passed under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Aeronautics and the Aeroclube do Paraná. They began to train and qualify professionals for the Brazilian and international market with their local operations. 

The 1980s
1980 - The Ministry of Aeronautics, on March 31, 1980, with the aim of encouraging the development of the airport, transferred the jurisdiction of Bacacheri to Infraero. Soon after, the apron, taxiways, and the passenger terminal were built.

The 1990s
1997 - 1997 - Several national airlines started to operate in Bacacheri, which was in total development. With the inauguration of the Afonso Pena International Airport and aiming at greater comfort for users in 1997, Infraero transferred regional aviation to that airport, leaving Bacacheri Airport with exclusive service to executive and general aviation.

The 2010s
2012 - In March 2012, Infraero inaugurated a new building to accommodate the entire administrative department and renovated the air navigation structure, which now has a meteorology room and an AIS (Aeronautical Information Services) room, where all the information necessary to ensure the security of a flight are gathered, collected, worked on and made available.

Source: Infraero

The 2020s
2021 - The Federal Government holds the 6th Round of Airport Concessions. The CCR Group purchased the airports in the South and Central Groups, including Bacacheri Airport/PR.
2022 - Start of operations by CCR Aeroportos.