Passenger Guide

Answer your questions with our Passenger Guide. Here, you access the primary information you need to make a great trip.

When preparing for the trip, check the necessary personal documentation, including accompanying persons, especially if they are minors. All embark with a valid official document with a photo (ID or passport, for example). Children under 12 can use a valid photo ID or birth certificate (original or certified copy).

Student ID is not an acceptable identification document for boarding. In case of theft, robbery, or loss of the document, the police report will be accepted.

Children (up to 12 years old) and teenagers (between 12 and 17) should always check with the airline to verify what additional documents are required for domestic and international boarding. Judicial and parental authorizations may be required under the terms of the law and the rules in force.

For domestic and international departures of minors, it is essential always to check what the Child and Adolescent Statute says, in addition to the requirements of the Childhood and Youth Court of the place of departure - especially in cases of travel with only one parent or unaccompanied.

No child may travel outside the city where they live unaccompanied by parents or guardians without express judicial authorization. This authorization is waived when the child is accompanied by one of the parents. In addition, children and adolescents can travel unaccompanied by both parents, provided that legal requirements are observed. It is important to note that the rules for international flights are different. If in doubt, always consult the airline.

For international flights, do not forget to check the destination country's requirements - such as minimum passport validity, entry or transit visa, vaccination certificate, among others, to avoid possible inconvenience.

Suppose checked baggage is purchased separately from the ticket. In that case, the service values ​​must be informed at the time of ticket purchase. Passengers may purchase in advance (baggage together with the ticket) or at the time of check-in, remembering that the advance purchase may have a lower cost.

Passengers of other nationalities must present one of the following documents, considering their validity: Passport; Foreigner Identity Card - CIE (RNE); Diplomatic or Consular Identity; or yet another travel document, the result of international agreements signed by Brazil.

For information on carrying currency in cash or traveler's checks, both when entering and leaving the country, inquire about the need to fill in the Electronic Declaration of Traveler's Goods (e-DBV) from the website of the Secretary of Federal Revenue of Brazil:

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