About the Airport

Uruguaiana International Airport, located in the west of Rio Grande do Sul, has a privileged location, next to the river border between Uruguay and Argentina, and is also an important access point for Paraguay. The city is practically the same distance from Porto Alegre and the capitals of these neighboring countries. The city has the second-largest dry port in Latin America, having great importance for the country's cargo logistics.

Microregion: Campanha Ocidental
Number of cities 10 | Population 358.000 | GDP R$ 10,1BI and part. 2,1% in UF (Federal Unit)
Source: IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) - current value for 2019


  • NAME: Aeroporto Internacional Rubem Berta
  • ADDRESS: Av. Marechal Setembrino de Carvalho, s/n, Aeroporto, Caixa Postal 215 Uruguaiana/RS CEP: 97513-780
  • AIRPORT SITE: 1.142.398,45 m²
  • AIRCRAFT YARD - Yard 1: 10.338 m² (commercial aviation and general aviation)
  • AIRCRAFT PARKING: Yard 1: 1 position A + 2 positions B + 5 positions A
  • PASSENGERS CAPACITY/YEAR: 0,3 million approximately/year
  • TAXIWAY: 1 taxiway
  • VEHICLE PARKING: 18 spots


The Uruguaiana - Rubem Berta International Airport operates with general and military aviation, without regular commercial flights, and is the main gateway to Argentina and Chile, involving aircraft that transport businessmen, especially those in the cargo sector.

Rubem Berta is essential for the western border of Rio Grande do Sul as it is the only airport capable of carrying out night operations in the region in cases of need, as it is equipped with the equipment provided for this type of operation.

The 1940s
1945 - In the old airfield of the city, where today is located the Base Aeropolicial da Fronteira (BAF), 2º Esquadrão de Aviação Aérea da Brigada Militar do Rio Grande do Sul, they inaugurated the Federal Airport of Uruguaiana in 1945.

The 1950s
1951 - In 1951, work began on the new passenger station at Uruguaiana Airport.

The 1960s
1965 - Under ordinance no. 108 of the Ministry of Aeronautics, Department of Civil Aviation, the airport was opened to air traffic and the public on January 1, 1965.
1967 - On September 29, 1967, Law No. 5,322 gave the airport a new name, changing its name to Rubem Berta Airport, in honor of one of the pioneers of Brazilian commercial aviation, the first employee of Varig and, later, its president.

The 1970s
1974 - As of November 1974, the airports used by national and foreign civil aircraft as a first stop, upon entry, and as the last stop, upon departure from the national territory, became an international airport. With the change, the name of the place became Uruguaiana – Rubem Berta International Airport.

The 1980s
1980 - Infraero assumed the technical, administrative, and operational jurisdiction of the  Uruguaiana – Rubem Berta International Airport in October 1980.

The 2010s
2011 - In October 2011, the service course for people with disabilities or reduced mobility was held. The action, part of Infraero's accessibility policy, aims to provide the correct assistance to the physically disabled and people with reduced mobility. In addition to airport employees, representatives of the Fire Department, Brazilian Army, Ministry of Aeronautics, and health professionals were trained.

Source: Infraero

The 2020s
2021 - The 6th Round of Airport Concessions was carried out by the Federal Government, in which the Group CCR acquired the South and Central Groups, including Uruguaiana International Airport.
2022 - Start of operation by CCR Aeroportos