About the Airport

Curitiba Airport has already been elected one of the ten best airports globally by the AirHelp Score International Ranking in 2019. Curitiba is considered one of the best Brazilian cities for business, being elected the most entrepreneurial city in Brazil, according to the Connect Smarted Cities Ranking 2021.


  • ADDRESS:  N/N Rocha Pombo Avenue, Águas Belas - Zipcode: 83010-900 - São José dos Pinhais
  • GROSS LEASABLE AREA (ABL, in Portuguese): 11,075.33 m², which represents 14.6% of the Passenger Terminal, is distributed on the ground, 1st, and 2nd floors.
  • AIRPORT SITE: 6.487.156,99 m²
  • AIRCRAFT YARD: MAIN YARD 1: 85.742 m²  (commercial aviation) / 46.724 m² (general and commercial aviation/cargo)
  • AIRCRAFT PARKING: YARD 1: 12 positions C (10 contact and 2 remote) and 4 positions D2 (4 contact) / YARD 2: 10 positions C or 6 positions C + 1 position E + 1 position D
  • PASSENGERS CAPACITY/YEAR: 14,8 million approximately/year
  • TAXIWAY: 10 taxiways
  • VEHICLE PARKING: 4,032 spots, 2,780 of which in the Garage Building and 1,252 on the ground


The 1940s
1944 - Curitiba airport, located in the municipality of São José dos Pinhais, was built between May 1944 and April 1945 by the Ministry of Aeronautics in cooperation with the Department of Engineering of the US Army.
1946 - In January 1946, civil aviation began to operate effectively at the Afonso Pena Air Base with the end of the war – as the airport was known. The control tower's passenger station was built, and several adjustments and improvements were made. To Learn More – The inauguration of Afonso Pena, a tribute to the sixth president of the Republic, which took place on January 24, 1946, was brought forward due to the ban on Bacacheri Airport in the central region of Curitiba, caused by a large volume of rain. With the storms, the best option was to speed up the preparations and start operations so that the planes could land at Afonso Pena Airport.

The 1950s
1959 - A new 2,200 m² passenger terminal was built to meet the high demand in 1959.

The 1970s
1974 - Afonso Pena Airport started to be managed by Infraero as of 1974. On July 1 of that year, the Cargo Logistics Terminal (Teca), the first of the Infraero Network, was opened at Curitiba International Airport.
1977 - The passenger terminal was significantly renovated and expanded in 1977, increasing its service capacity four times.

The 1990s
1996 - Construction of a terminal began in 1991, and the inauguration took place on July 26, 1996. The occasion was attended by Fernando Henrique Cardoso, the then President of the Republic, the Minister of Aeronautics, Lélio Viana Lobo and of the President of Infraero, at the time, Adyr da Silva. Afonso Pena Airport becomes international.

The 2000s
2002 - The Air Force Command installed the CATEGORY II ILS - MARK 20 at the head of Runway 15, allowing takeoffs and landings with horizontal visibility of 200 meters and a ceiling of 100 feet. The equipment began operating on August 8, 2002, increasing the airport's operational availability.

The 2010s
2012 - The terminal broke its record in cargo handling in 2012, with 45 thousand tons transported. The landing and takeoff runway has received significant improvements. This significant increase in cargo handling led to a significant renovation and expansion of the terminal, which gained 5 thousand m², from 12 to 17 thousand m². The work also included a new warehouse for imported cargo and new live and restricted cargo areas.
2013 - In the Passenger Satisfaction Survey, Curitiba International Airport won 1st place in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters.
2014 - Completed in June 2014, the work to expand the aircraft apron expanded the area from 84 thousand m² to 143.9 thousand m², also increasing the number of parking positions. In the same year, Afonso Pena International Airport was considered the best in the country, according to a survey carried out by the Civil Aviation Department – ​​SAC. Below are the recognitions: 
- Passenger Satisfaction Survey: 1st place in the 2nd quarter;
- Boa Viagem Award: best baggage claim, best airport environment, and best airport.
2015 - Achievement of the Aeroportos + Brasil Awards 2015: Airport with + Facilities category, referring to 2014. Once again, we reached 1st place in the Passenger Satisfaction Survey in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters. In the same year, there was the release of the expanded area of ​​the TPS and the Aircraft Parking Yard.
2016 - Aeroportos + Brasil 2016 Award in the categories: best airport, baggage claim + efficient, airport + cordial, and x-ray + efficient for 2015. Curitiba International Airport was ranked 1st in the 2nd trimester in the Passenger Satisfaction Survey.  In the same year, Infraero closed the largest contract in the company's history with the parking building in Curitiba, expanding the TPS to 112,176 m² and capacity for 14.8 million passengers per year.

Source: Infraero

The 2020s
2021 - The Federal Government holds the 6th Round of Airport Concessions, in which the Group CCR acquired the airports in the South and Central Groups, including Curitiba Airport.
2022 - Start of operations at CCR Aeroportos.