About the Airport

São Luís International Airport is the gateway to the capital of Maranhão, an important tourist and cultural center in Brazil. The capital, known for its natural beauty and extreme sports practice, is among the main tourist destinations in the Northeast, including the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, the largest dune field in Brazil.

Microregion: Aglomeração Urbana de São Luís
Number of cities 4 | Population 1,4MM | GDP R$ 35,4BI and part. 36,4% in UF (Federal Unit) 
Source: IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) - current value for 2019


  • ADDRESS:  3503 Libaneses Avenue, Tirirical Neighborhood - São Luís, MA, BR Zipcode: 65056-480
  • Gross Leasable Area (ABLC, in Portuguese): 1,583 m², representing 12.2% of the Passenger Terminal, distributed on the ground floor and 1st floor.
  • AIRPORT SITE: 6.014.848 m² (5.556.222 m² civil area)
  • AIRCRAFT YARD - MAIN YARD 1: Yard 1: 57.268 m²  (commercial aviation) / Yard 2: 15.047 m² (general aviation)
  • AIRCRAFT PARKING: Yard 1: 9 positions C + 1 position C lower size (commercial aviation) Yard 2: 18 positions A (general aviation)
  • PASSENGERS CAPACITY/YEAR: 5,1 million approximately/year
  • TAXIWAY: 2 taxiways


The 1940s
1943 - In 1943, after several agreements between the United States and Brazilian governments, an American Air Base was installed at the airfield to support the Army and Navy of that country. From then on, there was a need for an infrastructure capable of receiving all the war apparatus and modern combat aircraft. A taxiway and general aviation yard were built to meet the new demand with asphalt paving.
1946 - With the end of the War, the facilities were handed over to the Ministry of Aeronautics in 1946.

The 1970s
1974 - In 1974, through Ordinance No. 102/GM5 - of December 23, 1974, Infraero absorbed the technical, administrative, and operational jurisdiction of the Airport, which until then was under the responsibility of the Ministry of Aeronautics. As a result, the airport was named Tirirical Airport, after the neighborhood in which it is located. Since then, several renovations and improvements have taken place in the airport facilities.

The 1990s
1998 - In February 1998, the new passenger terminal was inaugurated, with a covered area of ​​8,100 m², capable of serving up to one million passengers per year.

2004 - Through a Declaratory Act, the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil (Receita Federal do Brasil) made the Marechal Cunha Machado International Airport bonded in September 2004.

The 2010s
2012 - Several improvements were carried out during the renovation of the Airport, including the doubling of the boarding area, the expansion of the functional area of ​​the arrivals lounge, the total air conditioning of the passenger terminal, in addition to the replacement with more modern equipment, of all baggage belts, scales, and check-in counters. The passenger terminal was reopened on August 27, 2012.
2019 - São Luís International Airport - Marechal Hugo da Cunha Machado (MA) received the Airport Operational Certificate from the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac, in Portuguese), a requirement of the Brazilian Civil Aviation Regulation (RBAC) 139 from Anac. Assessments are guided by the International Civil Aviation Organization (OACI, in Portuguese), which determines the operational criteria to be met by terminals worldwide.

Source: Infraero

The 2020s
2021 - The 6th Round of Airport Concessions is carried out by the Federal Government, in which the Group CCR acquired the airports in the South and Central Groups, including São Luís Airport.
2022 - Start of operations by CCR Aeroportos