Passenger Guide

Answer your questions with our Passenger Guide. Here, you access the primary information you need to make a great trip.

Guide dogs must be transported free of charge, on the aircraft cabin floor, next to their owner and under their control, equipped with a harness, and exempt from using a muzzle. The guide dog must be accommodated to avoid obstructing the aircraft aisle. In addition, the requirements of the national health authorities and the country of destination, where applicable, must be met.

If you plan to travel with your pet, check the rules for transporting pets on the airline of your choice, as it may be allowed inside or in the hold of the aircraft. Depending on the size or breed, the pet must wear a muzzle to access the airport terminal.

In addition to the airline's rules, there are requirements from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA) for the transport of domestic animals that vary according to the type of travel, whether domestic or international. Consult them before the trip.

The transport of animals (except for guide dogs) is not included in the ticket price. The request and consultation of prices must be made, in advance, to the airline. If the airline authorizes the transport, it is necessary to present, for boarding, the health certificate of the animal.

In the case of travel within Brazil, dogs and cats must be transported with a health certificate issued by a veterinarian registered with the Regional Council of Veterinary Medicine. For the movement of any other animals, an Animal Transit Guide (GTA, in Portuguese) issued by a veterinarian authorized by MAPA or by the body responsible for sanitary defense in the states is required.

In the case of wild species, it is also necessary to prove that the animal was legally acquired upon presentation of the purchase invoice issued by a wild animal breeder or dealer duly authorized by the competent environmental agency. In the absence of this document, the passenger must present a transport license issued by the competent environmental agency.