About the Airport

Located in the Pampas region, Bagé Airport is located about 60 kilometers from the border with Uruguay, a strategic access point for the border country. It is known in tourism for its rich calendar of traditional festivals such as the Festa Internacional do Churrasco, the Semana Crioula Internacional, and the Festival Internacional Música no Pampa - which attract tourists from all over the country. The city is also an important center for breeding purebred horses.

Microregion: Campanha Meridional
The number of cities 05 | Population 178 thousand | GDP R$ 5,1BI and part. 1,1% in the UF (Federative unit)

Source: IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) - current value for 2019


  • NAME:Aeroporto Internacional Comandante Gustavo Kraemer
  • ADDRESS:  Rua 14 Bis, s/nº - Bairro Comandante Kraemer - Bagé-RS - CEP: 96422-250
  • AIRPORT SITE: 2.404.904 m² 
  • AIRCRAFT YARD: Pátio 1: 3.752m² (general aviation)
  • AIRCRAFT PARKING: Pátio: 1 positions C + 2 posições B + 1 position A ou 2 positions C ou 2 positions B + 4 positions A
  • RUNWAY DIMENSIONS: 1.500m x 30m
  • TAXIWAY: 1 taxiway
  • VEHICLE PARKING: 78 spots


The 1930s
1932 - The first initiative in the area was the creation of the Municipal Aerodrome in 1932.

The 1940s
1946 - The airport was opened in 1946, and a passenger terminal was built in Madeira, close to the runway threshold.

The 1950s
1953 - In the early 1950s, a new concrete passenger terminal was built. The name Bagé – Comandante Gustavo Kraemer Airport, received in 1953, was a tribute to the founder of the extinct Sociedade Anônima Viação Aérea Gaúcha (SAVAG, in Portuguese).

The 1970s
1974 - The inauguration of the new passenger terminal, in 1974, was attended by the then President of the Republic, Emílio Garrastazu Médici.

The 1980s
1980 - Bagé – Comandante Gustavo Kraemer Airport is now managed by Infraero.

The 2000s
2001 - In 2001, the airport was enabled to receive international flights and registered a significant increase in the number of operations from Uruguay and Argentina, involving aircraft that entered Brazil via Uruguaiana or Porto Alegre, and which started to use Bagé due to its geographic position, more to the center of the state.
2004 - A major renovation took place in 2004. The passenger terminal was expanded to 600m², with air-conditioned rooms and the boarding and arrivals area coverage.

Source: Infraero

The 2020s
2021 - The Federal Government holds the 6th Round of Airport Concessions. The CCR Group won the South and Central Groups, including Bagé Airport.
2022 - Start of operations by CCR Aeroportos.